Monday, December 10, 2007

I was a housewife when being a housewife wasn't cool.

I got to thinking the other day about this. I have always wanted to be a housewife. I didn't go to college. I didn't have a career. Its want I always wanted. It seems these days that its so cool to be a housewife or a sahm. So many women choose to stay home. They give up careers and stay home with their children, or just stay home period. I know women have stayed home for years and I am not the first by no means. I just felt like giving myself a little credit for doing the cool thing when it wasn't so cool. When my friends were going to college and starting their careers, I was reading what to expecting while you are expecting and doing laundry. Its sorta nice to be the trendy one. Yep that's me trendy!

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