Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Things found in my bathtub

When we moved here I was excited since I finally had my dream house, including my dream tub. Its a bad ass bathtub if I say so myself. So this morning I wake up and decided the shower just seems too harsh. I want a nice soak. I am up early and my hair is clean so the tub it is. I run my water and plop myself down and ahh it feels so good. I just lie there loving it. Then I open my eyes and start looking around at my dream tub. Well lets just say its not much of a dream anymore. There are my usual items my shells and coral, my bottles of scrubs and bubbles. But there seems to be intruders into my bathtub paradise. There is Diego and his helicopter. Three hot wheels cars. Kids Shampoo. Baby Shampoo. Baby bath clothes. A yellow plastic stacking ring. The little green cup Gracie likes to play with in the bath. There are Ryans clothes from last night soaking wet, cause he jumped in the tub fully dressed and exclaimed it was a party in the tub. Taylors poufy was on the side of the tub. Then I wonder at what point did I lose control of my tub? It was my happy place, it was my island oasis away from the chaos of my home. Its conveniently located next to my closet where I sometimes hide and cry, or just hide from the kids and try to stay on hold with the cable company. Needless to say they have won. They have taken over everything. I wave my white flag and drive hot wheels around the tub.