Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Grinch

Today was the day for the Grinch, aka my husband to Christmas shop. This requires a trip to best buy. That is the only place the Grinch will shop. So he goes alone with the boys to best buy. Taylor and I go to Belk's, then we go over to Sams just wasting time. So he calls. I meet him back at best buy thinking he is done. Nope, he wants me to help him shop. Ok... So off we go back into best buy. Everyone should always shop the weekend before Christmas. To get to the point of the story the Grinch ponyed up this year for real. That's right I got a Cannon Rebel. My dream camera. Oh mama is a happy camper. The Grinch did good this year despite his hatred of the holidays. Then we had to mattress shop. The Grinch was not happy with our love nest. So we got new mattresses. Are we the only people who go through them like underwear? I blame it on the kids jumping on it and not anything we do on it. ;) It was a pretty good day today. Although I did get body slammed on the concrete but it was a accident. I am sore as hell. We were supposed to go out to dinner on the company but we didn't really want to get a sitter. So we got outback to go tonight. Its the niftiest thing, you order online and drive up and its ready and they bring it to your car. I love outback. Well we have one more day till Christmas Eve. The kids are so excited to open gifts. I am excited to see them open them. I will be taking lots of pics with my new toy.

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