Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Beast had a spa day

I took her in for some alone time. She needed it bad. I got her the works. Seats cleaned, carpet shampooed, washed and waxed. They loveingly detailed every inch of her interior. She is like a brand new girl now! So fresh and clean. And sorta greasy. LOL The wheel was still slippery from the leather conditioner. It made driving interesting. The old girl has been through alot this year. I figured she needed it. I would also like to add that for what I spent on her I so could have had a spa day myself. I really need to examine my choices in the future. I am sure I could have gotten by with a trip through the gas station car wash and a brisk wiping with a baby wipe. I guess she is worth it. As for the rest of my day, well its cold. Did I mention that yesterday? Yeah I thought so. I got all my presents wrapped. Its funny how you lay them all out and you have presents from us, and then Santa presents. Santa doesn't wrap presents at our house. So as I pile of wrapped presents becomes smaller the Santa one becomes bigger. You think that's a awkward size, that's too flimsy of a box, that's rather large. Yeah your back starts hurting from leaning over, nope he can bring that one too. I also have noticed no matter how much more money I spend on our oldest, he still looks like the neglected stepchild. I can't help all his gifts are small and expensive. You can't exactly buy him toys at this age. Its a very hard age. He understands it. But it bothers me. I don't like for it to look like such a small amount. I feel like its pitiful. I hope that Rock Band Box is really big when it comes in. LOL Maybe that will help. So despite my bragging that I am done, I am not. I have to get him some more things for his bday, cause I stole his presents for Christmas so he didn't look pitiful. Well I am off to finish shopping.

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