Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's freezing!

Hi! My name is Christy and I am from Florida. I now live in Alabama where its fucking freezing! Its gets cold back home, but it takes forever to cool off due to our swamp like humidity and the fact that we are on the beach. I noticed it was colder here last year but I just assumed it was all in my head. Nope its not. Its defiantly colder here than back home. I am probably going to always be cold. Brrr! Anyway today I got all my Christmas items lined up and ready to go. Tomorrow commences wrapping day. Yep that's right I am done shopping. Well other than two presents that I have to order online. That will complete all three kids and Kyles birthday. I have broken my past record of always being done by Thanksgiving, I am now done by Halloween. HA! Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitches, I will see ya'll on Black Friday. Oh wait! That's right no I wont! HeHe!!!! Feel the evilness? Yeah it feels good to brag. Its so much less stress to have all the stuff done with. I can now sit patiently and wait to decorate my house, I am becoming a regular Martha Stewart. I have already planned out where my decorations are going to go. I am really excited. Yeah I know don't fall over dead. I also have to sit and wait out the weather to make my prized, well they are prized to me, chocolate covered pretzels. I have to wait till the humidity cooperates with me. Not a easy task here in the Deep South. How about that I manged to bitch about how cold it is and whine about humidity all in the same post. I am sure there is some blog award out there for crazy people who can't make up their mind. I am a shoo in for that! Well I am outta here, its 7:00 and I am already ready for bed. Sad isn't it?

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