Friday, February 23, 2007

Real Friends

I haven't been able to post since I got home. Our internet was out and to be honest I didn't give enough shit to call about it. I was happy to have no phone and no net for a few days. I know that everything in life is a learning experience but I have to say the past year or so has been a really hard lesson. I have lost alot of friend in the past year or so. I quit being a doormat and I learn who your real friends are. Let me tell you I have two real friends that I know no matter what care about me and are there for me. One has already been here to see me twice, and the other on is on her way now. I had a really bad week finally accepting that I lost my friends here in Mobile and that I would not be able to continue in the playgroup. It's going to be so nice having someone here this weekend to hang with and talk to. I am super excited that she is going to be here. I guess that I am going to have to suck it up and try and make some friends here. I just have a bad taste in my mouth right now about friends here in Mobile. I gave it a shot and it didn't work out and now I feel like I am just done with it all. I just want a drama free life. Its rare to find people these days that don't thrive off of drama and gossip. I like to read gossip about celebs and maybe hear a little about what's going on back home gossip. But mean, vindictive, making shit up and changing it around is just not my cup of tea. So along with my other changes I am making in my life I also have a new drama free goal. I just refuse to have it around me. I grew up in it and lived with it for so long, and it sucks. I am trying to learn what makes me happy and what I want out of life. I have quit caring about a lot of things that I used to care so much about. What I drive, where I live, watching tv, shopping for shoes! Things that used to mean the world to me just don't matter. Maybe I am growing up, I think maturing is a big part of it. But I also think that Florida kept me stagnant. I just stayed the same and didn't really ever change. This blog is becoming rather random. I just wanted to post how excited I was to have Mantha here and how I am still making changes for the better. But I guess thats the point of a blog to ramble on and put your thoughts out there. So anyways that's my thoughts for the day. I will blog more often now that I am off of my anti communication with the world mood.

1 comment:

Aldara said...

I was thinking about you the other day. My phone has been acting kinda wonky and I found a message you left me the other day a few minutes ago and I didn't want to call you so late since it is almost midnight. I guess you are having company over but I'll try and catch you tomorrow! I am sorry things are not working out for you!
Hugs and I hope I'm still a friend!