Monday, March 3, 2008

The best birthday present ever!!!

So last weekend my best friend came and seen me. She still lives in my hometown so we don't get to see each other much. Its a little early for the birthday visit but we couldn't wait any longer. So she was so excited to give me my presents, mainly because she can't ever keep a secret. She usually calls me from the store to tell me what she just bought me. Yes! She is that bad. She is dying to tell me what they are and I am putting my hands over my ears and saying nananananananananananan I am not listening to you!! I wanted a surprise. So she gets here and hauls her stuff out her car and starts handing me the presents. She tells me there are two and one will make me cry and one is funny. It's long been established that I don't ever cry at things she thinks I should. EVER! So I open the first present. Yeah I just about did cry, I didn't, but it was close. It was the best birthday present ever. She put pictures of me and her in a shadowbox frame. There were pics I had never seen, pics I didn't remember taking. It the best present ever!! I loved it. Then she dropped the bomb. I had to share. She told me it was the sisterhood of the traveling frame, yet another thing she thought I would cry about that I didn't. So on her birthday I give it back to her. Our birthdays are 6 months apart. So I sit whining about how I don't like to share. I never have, I am a only child, I don't share! Then she is handing me my other present. The funny one. Its a pig shaped chalkboard. Really it is. A pig that his belly is a chalkboard. I get to keep the pig year round so I guess I can share the picture. All in all it is still the best birthday present ever!!

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