Saturday, July 12, 2008

How far do you go?

From now on we will assume I am either bat shit crazy or on pain pills. I don't have a wooden paper towel holder, it's red. Enjoy the post!

How far will you take the matching thing? Purse and shoes? Tablecloth and napkin? Lipstick and blush? Well I am rather embarrassed to say that I have to match my paper towel holder to my napkin holder. It doesn't matter to me that they reside across the kitchen from each other. I am incapable of buying ones that don't match. I tried today. I have a wood paper towel holder and a white napkin holder, its bothered me for months that they don't match. So I tried to find a new napkin holder since I love my paper towel holder. Nope it ain't happening, I can't find a wooden one. I just can't buy one that isn't matching wood. I must have matching ones. I am either going to drive myself nuts trying to find a matching napkin holder or I am going to have to give up my much loved paper towel holder. I must have been out of my mind to buy one without the other to began with. God the decisions we are forced to make in life. Don't step in that sarcasm I just dripped.

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