Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Riddle Me This

Why for the love of God do I have the worst luck ever?? Tonight after a long day, went to the gym, did some housework, grocery shop, made homemade spaghetti and meatballs, I craved a bath. I had to have one. So off I go. The delight of my bathtub, new Star Magazine, locked door no child can unlock. Oh its HEAVEN!!! So as I run the water and make sure I have everything I need. I realize as soon as I flop down into my HEAVEN my husband is going to call. So I grab my phone. Now I stand buck naked, water running looking for a safe place to put my phone. Only a idiot would sit a uninsured blackberry on the tub ledge, where it would surely fall in. Not me, oh no, I fail around my bathroom looking for a spot to put it, where I can reach it, trip over my own feet and PLOP goes my phone right into HEAVEN!!! Yeah that's right! I shall never go to Vegas I would probably catch the whole town on fire with my luck.

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