Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Clean Houses

Today I stayed home all day to clean. I cleaned for hours. My house sorta reflects this. Has anyone ever noticed that the more you clean the messier it looks. I cleaned out rooms and closets and I have bags of stuff for goodwill. I have done a million loads of laundry today and I still have to put it all up. It's the never ending laundry cycle at my house. It's like gremlins, remember that movie? Well someone is feeding my laundry food after midnight and getting it wet, cause it just multiplies and gets nastier. Tomorrow Mark is going back to Shreveport. It's hard with him back and forth. Well I have to cut this short because I have carpet to clean and kids to supervise. Kyle is cleaning out all his outgrown movies and toys, ha! We shall see if he really throws anything away, he is a total pack rat. C-ya! OMG I just have to add this, I just spellchecked and there were no misspellings found. Am I getting smarter? Hmm there is some food for thought. Finally recovering from my Mommy Mush Brain?


Heather said...

mommy mush brain NEVER goes away

Aldara said...

LOL my mommy mush brain is still here!!!! I'll call you in a bit when David goes to work!