Thursday, March 8, 2007

My Day

Today has been the day from hell. I was ready to get drunk before 9 am. I am fighting with my ex over custody, aka money, Mark is driving me nuts, I found out a friend from back home died, the stress of life in general is just killing me. When does it ever get any easier? Don't tell me if it doesn't I really don't want to know. I will spare the sordid details of my battle with my ex, but I will say this, how did I ever marry a man with no soul? It has been a very shitty day. I just want to go take a long bath and bring liquor with me. Hmm guess it's about time I started buying some huh? Yep its been that shitty. So on the bright side my friend Tammy is coming in a few weeks and we are going to get our drink on and hang out and have a blast. I can't wait, I need some chill time so bad. Oh yeah and I don't fit in my clothes thanks to my 5 pound weight gain. It's alot of weight when you are only 5 feet tall. So that will be addressed shortly. Well I am off to make my grocery list and try to relax while 4 kids are running around my house like caged animals that have just been freed.

1 comment:

Jessica Joy said...

Oh honey, how about we go get some lawnmowers and whack that ass-ex down to the size of grass clippings. Biodegradable, turn him into mulch - at least then he'd be good for something.