Friday, February 29, 2008
She who shops the most...
Loses! I joined the no shopping challenge on Happy Housewives. No shopping for one month expect for essentials like groceries. Will I survive? No shoes, not even a flip flop, no new purses!!! The AGONY!! I am going to do this. I can do it. Not even a trip to the dollar tree, I shall not buy anything for a month. The month of my birthday no less, what if I all of a sudden get depressed and need to shop? I am already looking for excuses! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Kid Rock
Mark and I went and seen Kid Rock last night. It was the best concert I have ever been to. He put on the best show, he actually played for almost 4 hours. His band are awesome musicians also. We had such a good time. It's always nice to spend time alone together. I am so glad I have a husband who goes and does things like that with me. I could not imagine having a husband who never wanted to do anything with me. I think we might be getting a little too old for rock concerts though, not that it is going to stop us, just that dang if we aren't feeling it today! Staying out late, rocking out, yelling, dancing and screaming takes a little more out of us than it used to!! Buts its all good I will for sure be there the next time Kid Rock comes to town!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It's that time again!
This afternoon I have consumed baked cheetos and starburst jellybeans. Please bring on the period already! My pms cravings are worst than pregnancy ones. I swear next month I will be wanting fried pickles or something random like that. When can I expect menopause again??
Friday, February 22, 2008

Another year has passed and now it's time for my obsession to kick in. Yes its time for Nascar! My father and I have planned and patiently awaited all year for our day. The Daytona 500. Its our father and daughter day, no one else allowed. Well we share our day with thousands of people but none that we know. Its always one of the best days of the year. There is nothing more special than spending hundreds of dollars for a seat that you never sit in and to watch a race you don't see all of. You can't see the whole track. You usually just ask someone else the next day what happened. I would not have it any other way. As much as I love racing I love my dad with my daddy so much more. Here are a couple of pics from our day.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Do you believe in Fate?
I would not normally say I believe in fate. I believe in natural selection, karma and everything happens for a reason, but fate not so much. So today Mark had to go to court for a traffic ticket. It was one of those random Alabama things were you drive on a road that does not have a sign up and a cop pulls you over and says road is closed and tickets you. Then you have to appear in court on a certain date to find out your fine. God Bless Alabama!!! Bleh! So anyway, Mark is on his way to court today and calls me freaking out, the interstate traffic is stopped. He can't get off of it from where he is stopped and it’s totally blocked both ways. It turns out a semi has burned to the ground; he is worried that they will put a warrant out for his arrest for not showing up at court. Not sure if this really happens but we are law abiding folks so we really don't know. So finally he gets free of the traffic jam and shows up in court, pays his fine, before they stick in the pokey and makes his way to work. So then I get another call from him asking me if I believe in fate. I am thinking did he accidently inhale some crack rock being smoked while he was downtown? So he proceeds to tell me that while he is stuck in traffic the chemical plant that he works at had a chemical irritant leak. He could have been killed, he could have been sick from inhaling this toxic gas; there is no telling what could have happened. I have learned to live with the fact that my husband has a dangerous job and its best if I don't know what goes on at work. Generally he doesn't tell me things at my request, call us a don't ask and don't tell sort of family, but since it’s all over the news he figured he better clue me in on this one before someone else did. So I guess my answer is yes I do believe in fate.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Down with the Sickness
Welcome to our house of funk! I am not talking about music. Kyle is sick, we are leaving in 20 mintues to go to the doctor. I am having sinus problems, due to this crazy ass weather we have had. Mark has a stomach bug. Susan and Morgan are both sick and I suspect this is where Kyle got his from. Oh the germs in our home! Should I admit to how many cans of lysol I have went through this week? No perhaps not, no sense in calling attention to my ocd. Yeah, ok so I went through two, that would be big cans. Full ones at that. I am pretty much over this cold/flu season. Bring on my spring allegries!! In other breaking news I have been going to the gym still and walking at night with my friend Princess Taaammmmiiiiiii. Well we did it two nights in a row and that counts for something right? It does when it means two chubby girls went and walked for 2 and half miles when they could have sat in their pjs and ate junk food. I'll keep you guys updated. If you need me I will be up in the gym working on my fitness! Ha! Yes I did go there!!
working out
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Snack Options
I was just in my pantry browsing my snack options. It was narrowed down between a Hostess Cupcake and a Hostess Ding Dong. I get to looking at the choices and are they not the same thing? Why yes they are, chocolate cake with cream filling. I mean really why not just sell one snack cake and call it a day folks? Why make me stand there in my pms chocolate searching fit and have to figure out which snack cake is going to give me the best bang for my 5 pounds I am about to gain?
So I took a quiz
I went to this site today called blogthings and took a few quizes. They were not sure if I was republican or democrat but let me tell you they knew I was evil.
You Are 82% Evil |">How Evil Are You?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Saturday Mornings
This morning I was making breakfast and Mark was going around irritating the kids. You know just a normal morning at our house. So Mark pops off at the mouth and says something about his ex wives. That would be plural. Taylor says Dad you have only been married twice what wives. Here we go. He is just messing around and he tells her that he was a virgin when we met. Now Taylor is slowly but surely learning the facts of life, says eww you had sex with someone else. Then Mark explains what a virgin is and tells her no me and mom was virgins when we met. Taylor goes well what about me. So then he says you were immaculately conceived like Jesus. Then she thinks for a minute and says was there liquor involved? I love Saturday mornings!
sex education
Friday, February 1, 2008
Is it the master crafter or the craft master?
So I have started a new hobby. I am learning to crochet. Eventually I am going to learn to knit but its a little off in the future. Miss Crafty I am not. I have to work at it and then work some more. What comes so easliy to some is almost impossible to me. So its my new obsession. I am going to conquer it. I will become the master. I will make a blanket. I shall master a scarf. I am going to finish something and not find the bag of stuff in the bottom of my closet a year from now. My friend told me about this cool charity where you donate handmade stuff to babies that are born dead or premie or sick. That is something very close to my heart due to my sisters death and I am excited to make something for it. Hopefully soon my skill level will be at such that you can tell what I made and it doesn't look like a bunch of knots. I'll keep you guys updated when I finally finish something.
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