Saturday, December 29, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away
I know that some parts of our Country are under severe drought. But if this god blessed rain doesn't stop I am going to go insane. I should be thankful. But there are starving people in under developed third world countries but that doesn't make me want to eat icky vegetables either. It has done nothing but pour for days. I am stuck in the house with the bored kids. Not a good combination. I have a raging sinus issue, a aversion to driving in the rain, and I have no motivation since its dark all day. I must be one of those weirdo weather sensitive mood people. My dog doesn't even want to leave the bed. I don't blame him I am just jealous! So I am going to go home next week. I haven't been home since July. I really miss my friends. The flip side of that is that I hate how everyone has moved on with their life. Did I really think they would just stop and wait for me? Well hell yeah I did! I am that full of myself. It just sucks to talk to them and they talk about people I don't know. I used to know everyone they knew. It sucks cause I had to move here, and I don't really want to move back. I just want them. If they would just come to their senses and walk away from their lives and families like I did and be here with me things would be much better. Excuse me while I go get a bigger chair cause I am so full of myself I am too big for this one.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Another Holiday
So we survived another holiday. It really has gotten to me how much I miss having friends and family. I miss having that closeness. I have all the toys put up and the tree has been taken down and put away. I am ready to get this season over with. Mark ended up getting called into work and I had to take Kyle to Crestview on Christmas Day. Nothing like a Waffle House Christmas dinner, as if I was rednecky enough! Ryan was uber excited. He loves Waffle House. So today I went back on a diet. I like to feel like I got a head start on everyone else. I dont have New Years plans so why not. So I am tired of the hair already. Time to call the hair master and make some changes. I am thinking highlights?? Maybe go back blond? Who knows what craziness I will come up with this time. Other than that I have been on a cleaning and decluttering spree. Starting the new year off on the right foot. Yeah right! Actually I am bored and I don't want to leave the house so why not clean it. That way when the kids go back to school I don't have much do to. Speaking of school I am ready for it go back. I am ready to get back into a routine. Its hard for me to do that when they are home. Taylor wants to sleep all day. Plus I am getting tired of playing! LOL We have played with all the new toys so much I am about played out. When Kyle gets back we are going to continue our Rock Band World Tour. I cant wait till Kyle and Morgan are both home. We are so going to beat this game!! So thats about all thats going on in Christy World, time to call the hair master!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Grinch
Today was the day for the Grinch, aka my husband to Christmas shop. This requires a trip to best buy. That is the only place the Grinch will shop. So he goes alone with the boys to best buy. Taylor and I go to Belk's, then we go over to Sams just wasting time. So he calls. I meet him back at best buy thinking he is done. Nope, he wants me to help him shop. Ok... So off we go back into best buy. Everyone should always shop the weekend before Christmas. To get to the point of the story the Grinch ponyed up this year for real. That's right I got a Cannon Rebel. My dream camera. Oh mama is a happy camper. The Grinch did good this year despite his hatred of the holidays. Then we had to mattress shop. The Grinch was not happy with our love nest. So we got new mattresses. Are we the only people who go through them like underwear? I blame it on the kids jumping on it and not anything we do on it. ;) It was a pretty good day today. Although I did get body slammed on the concrete but it was a accident. I am sore as hell. We were supposed to go out to dinner on the company but we didn't really want to get a sitter. So we got outback to go tonight. Its the niftiest thing, you order online and drive up and its ready and they bring it to your car. I love outback. Well we have one more day till Christmas Eve. The kids are so excited to open gifts. I am excited to see them open them. I will be taking lots of pics with my new toy.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Holiday Baking
Here are some pics of my holiday baking the other day. The first are my peanut butter thumbprints. Second are some white chocolate covered pretzels. Then is my mess, lol, not sure why the dawn is there? I think I hadn't put it up from my trip to the store.

So much going on
I don't even know where to began. That's why I haven't written. I start and then just don't know where to start. We are finally done with school till Jan. I have had a stomach virus 3 times in 3 weeks. Not sure how that happens but trust me folks it does and it sucks. The bright side to this is I can't stop losing weight. Its all good till I get too skinny, and I have a while before that becomes a issue. I am still loving the new hair. It rocks. I am all ready for Christmas. I am so excited about it. The presents are taking over my living room. We are now trying to plan another trip. We already have the race in Feb. We ended up getting quite a bit of money for the kids for Christmas, and I could not think of a single thing they didn't already get. So we decided to go on a trip with the money. YAH GRANDPARENTS!! My grandparents rock trust me. Although sometimes they like to call me while they are on there way here unannounced. Yeah fun times. But at least they come and see me, and at least they have sense enough to realize that they have no clue what to get their great grand kids, they were trying like hell to figure it out when I was a kid, at this point the admit defeat and give cash. So other than the very upsetting incident of Christy vs the school office, its all good. We will not elaborate on this incident, most of you have heard me bitching and I am tired of hearing myself whine about it. So anyway life is good as always. We are very blessed. I do worry about taxes but I can't change the outcome so I am just going to take it as it comes. Hopefully it will come out in my favor. Hmm what else has been going on? I can't really think of anything right now. There is so much going on with my everyday life. I have been busy baking up a storm, cleaning and playing with the kids. I will post some baking pics here in a few. Oh here is the hair pic. I tried my best to take it so you could see it but its hard when I am doing it myself.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
5:30 pm
At 5:30 pm today I was done. Believe it or not totally done. House was clean, clothes washed and put away. We had ate dinner and I had the dishes going in the dishwasher. The world will be ending tonight, I hope you prayed.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I was a housewife when being a housewife wasn't cool.
I got to thinking the other day about this. I have always wanted to be a housewife. I didn't go to college. I didn't have a career. Its want I always wanted. It seems these days that its so cool to be a housewife or a sahm. So many women choose to stay home. They give up careers and stay home with their children, or just stay home period. I know women have stayed home for years and I am not the first by no means. I just felt like giving myself a little credit for doing the cool thing when it wasn't so cool. When my friends were going to college and starting their careers, I was reading what to expecting while you are expecting and doing laundry. Its sorta nice to be the trendy one. Yep that's me trendy!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
So I didn't do it all
It was a really big list. I am working on it though. So yesterday Mark took Ryan to the Doodlebops concert. I really had mixed feelings about it all. Relieved I didn't have to drive across town and figure out where to park. But I was also sad. I wanted to see the look on his face when they came out, and experience that excitement with him. I was sorta bummed about it. I know its selfish as hell. Mark has been gone 8 months and they are his children too. Buts it the way I felt. I was also worried what if he forgets to hold his hand? I can't help myself. When I met him he had Kyle who was 4 years old and took care of him alone. But I am just a born worrier I guess. I know he is capable of taking care of them. So I guess I am a selfish worrier! I did spend time alone with Tay while they were gone. We went to the library, and met them for lunch pre concert, and then I took her to do her Christmas shopping at Target. I also changed my hair color on Friday and went darker than I have ever been. Let's all do the Adams Family snaps together, dud du dump! Call me Morticia from now on. The kids swear its black but actually a dark chocolate brown. I think its very pretty and she cut it again a little so it lays down so much better. Let me tell you that cut little Posh bob was so great this summer but its a bitch to grow back out. Especially when you have to thin it so much when you have really thick hair. But anyway I love it and that's all that matters. We are just having a lazy day today. Being bums. This week coming up is going to be hell. I have Ryan's Christmas party, Taylor's Christmas party and Kyle's band concert all on the same day. Can someone meet me with a cocktail around 5:30 pm in the Phillips Preparatory School parking lot? I am Taylor's room mother so I have to also arrange the pizzas and everything else and make sure that their party goes well. I also have to bring Ryan with me. Thank God he is older now and so much better about doing things. The days of being tied at home with naps, and toting around diaper bags are far behind me now. As much as I worried about wanting another child, I am so happy with the way things are now its unbelievable. I don't think I could handle going through it all again. I think my baby days are behind me and as I approach 30 I am quite sure they are gone. Its nice having some freedom. Mark and I are planning a weekend away in the next month or so and we were also looking at taking a cruise as a family. Yep things just keep looking up, that baby thing doesn't look all that great anymore. Not that you can't do things with a baby. We just can't. We can never afford financially to have the said baby and do other things at the same time. We also require lots of sleep and get uber bitchy when we don't get it. When I say we I mean our whole family. Even the kids were ill when Ryan would cry at night and wake them up. LOL So I am sure I will always have my regrets about not having at least one more, I am pretty sure I will be able to live with my decisions. Ryan has grown up so much since we have moved here its insane. He is a little boy not and not a baby at all. Not even a inch of baby fat left. It really makes me proud that I am ok with it. I have always second guessed myself and my choices and its nice for once to just be ok with them. So anyway bring on my 30's! I feel like I am finally getting somewhere in my life, even if its only understanding what I want out of it.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My to do list
Here is my little list of things I have to do today. Just to put my life in perspective, and to hush my mil who is bitching at me for not posting, lol.
Take Taylor to school, Ryan is playing hooky.
Go to Target.
Drop off supplies at school.
Call Carpet Cleaners
Call hairdresser
Sweep and Mop
Call ATT
Call XM
Put up laundry and start new loads
Address Christmas Cards
Clean Max's Cage
Wrap Presents
Mail out packages and pictures
Rearrange Christmas Decorations
Take Winston to groomers
So that is my list taken straight from the piece of paper I just pulled out my pocket. So far today its 9:48 am, and I have went to Target, went by the school, called the carpet guy, decided to take Winston tomorrow so he will be out of the house while carpet guy is here, and wasted time on the computer. Oh I forgot to start the laundry and lay out meat for dinner. A friend is coming over to help me and Kyle put his science project board together so I am bribing them with dinner. Such fun! On the bright side I don't have a whole lot of cleaning to do since I have done nothing but bust my ass for the past week. Yah me! I am going back to the gym next week. I still have the rest of this month and next month to decided if I want to stay at that gym or go to another one. So there is my things to do today list. Oh and at some point hubby is going to call me to pick him up at the car dealer. Well I am off to get some more things knocked off my list.
Take Taylor to school, Ryan is playing hooky.
Go to Target.
Drop off supplies at school.
Call Carpet Cleaners
Call hairdresser
Sweep and Mop
Call ATT
Call XM
Put up laundry and start new loads
Address Christmas Cards
Clean Max's Cage
Wrap Presents
Mail out packages and pictures
Rearrange Christmas Decorations
Take Winston to groomers
So that is my list taken straight from the piece of paper I just pulled out my pocket. So far today its 9:48 am, and I have went to Target, went by the school, called the carpet guy, decided to take Winston tomorrow so he will be out of the house while carpet guy is here, and wasted time on the computer. Oh I forgot to start the laundry and lay out meat for dinner. A friend is coming over to help me and Kyle put his science project board together so I am bribing them with dinner. Such fun! On the bright side I don't have a whole lot of cleaning to do since I have done nothing but bust my ass for the past week. Yah me! I am going back to the gym next week. I still have the rest of this month and next month to decided if I want to stay at that gym or go to another one. So there is my things to do today list. Oh and at some point hubby is going to call me to pick him up at the car dealer. Well I am off to get some more things knocked off my list.
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