Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Beast had a spa day

I took her in for some alone time. She needed it bad. I got her the works. Seats cleaned, carpet shampooed, washed and waxed. They loveingly detailed every inch of her interior. She is like a brand new girl now! So fresh and clean. And sorta greasy. LOL The wheel was still slippery from the leather conditioner. It made driving interesting. The old girl has been through alot this year. I figured she needed it. I would also like to add that for what I spent on her I so could have had a spa day myself. I really need to examine my choices in the future. I am sure I could have gotten by with a trip through the gas station car wash and a brisk wiping with a baby wipe. I guess she is worth it. As for the rest of my day, well its cold. Did I mention that yesterday? Yeah I thought so. I got all my presents wrapped. Its funny how you lay them all out and you have presents from us, and then Santa presents. Santa doesn't wrap presents at our house. So as I pile of wrapped presents becomes smaller the Santa one becomes bigger. You think that's a awkward size, that's too flimsy of a box, that's rather large. Yeah your back starts hurting from leaning over, nope he can bring that one too. I also have noticed no matter how much more money I spend on our oldest, he still looks like the neglected stepchild. I can't help all his gifts are small and expensive. You can't exactly buy him toys at this age. Its a very hard age. He understands it. But it bothers me. I don't like for it to look like such a small amount. I feel like its pitiful. I hope that Rock Band Box is really big when it comes in. LOL Maybe that will help. So despite my bragging that I am done, I am not. I have to get him some more things for his bday, cause I stole his presents for Christmas so he didn't look pitiful. Well I am off to finish shopping.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's freezing!

Hi! My name is Christy and I am from Florida. I now live in Alabama where its fucking freezing! Its gets cold back home, but it takes forever to cool off due to our swamp like humidity and the fact that we are on the beach. I noticed it was colder here last year but I just assumed it was all in my head. Nope its not. Its defiantly colder here than back home. I am probably going to always be cold. Brrr! Anyway today I got all my Christmas items lined up and ready to go. Tomorrow commences wrapping day. Yep that's right I am done shopping. Well other than two presents that I have to order online. That will complete all three kids and Kyles birthday. I have broken my past record of always being done by Thanksgiving, I am now done by Halloween. HA! Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitches, I will see ya'll on Black Friday. Oh wait! That's right no I wont! HeHe!!!! Feel the evilness? Yeah it feels good to brag. Its so much less stress to have all the stuff done with. I can now sit patiently and wait to decorate my house, I am becoming a regular Martha Stewart. I have already planned out where my decorations are going to go. I am really excited. Yeah I know don't fall over dead. I also have to sit and wait out the weather to make my prized, well they are prized to me, chocolate covered pretzels. I have to wait till the humidity cooperates with me. Not a easy task here in the Deep South. How about that I manged to bitch about how cold it is and whine about humidity all in the same post. I am sure there is some blog award out there for crazy people who can't make up their mind. I am a shoo in for that! Well I am outta here, its 7:00 and I am already ready for bed. Sad isn't it?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Excitement, Disappointment, and Growing

Last night was the Belly Dance Superstars show. I was so excited to see Rachel Brice dance. She is my favorite dancer. I was just in awe. I could not believe I was that close to her. I am like a crazed groupie! You just don't know. I would have her children! She is so amazing! The show was really great and I had the best seats, third row front and center. One of the things I like best about this dance troupe is that after each show they come out front and meet their fans and take pics, and sign photos. So there I sat after the show,waiting. My camera was on. My hair was fixed. I was trying not to hyperventilate before she even got out front. I was super stoked to see there wasn't many people waiting. Last year it was a mad house of people. I scoffed at the idiots who obviously didn't know whats up and had left already. So there I stood waiting, and waiting and what the fuck are they doing? Finally I over hear the dreaded words. They aren't coming out? Excuse me? THEY AREN'T COMING OUT!!!! I flipped my lid. I was so close to meeting her, and having a picture to prove it. OMG!!!!!! The rage! Hmm who's the idiot now? Not the ones who already left before it started raining. So as I trek back to my truck in the rain, straightened hair frizzing in the humidity and wetness, I didn't cry. I was fucking pissed. I stomped my ass all the way to the parking lot. Impressive by the way stomping in heels in the rain. I was just so disappointed. I felt like it was personal. I know they have fans, I know they are just doing a job. I know I am obsessed. I just wanted a moment, I just wanted to take a pic, say I met her. I am not a psycho crazed fan, I am a groupie, there is a distinction. Dammit! But I am starting to understand why someone becomes one. So once again another year has gone by and I have not met Rachel Brice. In other news I had to go the uniform shop today. That's right we made it one whole quarter before my children outgrew school uniforms. I wanted to buy the next size up but they were sold out of Taylors and Kyle is in the biggest size before he goes to mens. So I made Zogby's power bill for the month. Bleh! Does anyone know how long it takes a taper candle to burn? Well its been burning for over 2 hours and its not done yet. I get to burn 24 of these bad mama gammas 2 at a time. Gotta love science projects. Yeah fun stuff! So that pretty much sums up my weekend, burn candles, clean, try not to duct tape children's mouths. There is only so much you can listen to while trapped in a house with 3 kids all weekend. Well I am outta here, peace and chicken grease!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Does it ever stop?

It seems like errands are never ending! It's always something. I would love to just be bored and sit home. I feel like I am trying to cram a weeks worth of things in a day, and if I don't then its even more that I have to try to cram into the next day. It seems like all the kids decided to grow at once, so I am having to buy new pants and shoes. This child needed a shot record, so I did that. Now the other child needs it so I manage to get it done and he actually has to have the shot which of course caused a reaction. This child lost their glasses, have to do that. I had to go to the store to get things for children's projects. Had to pick up hubbys glasses and ups them to him. I have family portrait appointments. It just never freaking ends. Just once I would love to buy groceries and they last longer than a few days. I swear we have ghosts that eat cause no way do my kids consume that much food. Well ok maybe they do, but damn its a pain in my ass and wallet. I just hate that feeling of always being out of something or always needing to go to the store. Yes I plan, I make lists, it just never fails. This is just a fucked up yucky day. My lunch made me sick, my head hurts from allergy's due to weather changes, and I am tired as hell because I could not fall asleep last night. I have had many annoying things happen today. Who the hell sends glasses back to the store with only one lens? See what I mean? Just a fucked up day. I really thought it was Tuesday but it looks like its still Monday.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Aint nothing going on but the rent

Don't you hate when a dumb songs get stuck in your head. Anyway nothing much going on here just a normal day, errands, kids, cleaning, cooking. Same old shit new day. Tomorrow is my big house cleaning day. Going to get everything all clean for the weekend so my kiddos can trash it all. I have to take Kyle to Crestview tomorrow also. Love that drive. At least I get to eat at Hooters. That's my reward for the drive. That Hooters is so great, they have this kids play area and the tvs are on Disney Channel, its a total family restaurant on the weekends. They even have balloons for the kiddos. It bets the hell out of mickyd's. In other breaking news I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I did some more today. I am so on it this year. Usually I have it all done by Thanksgiving, this year I am going for Halloween. I like to avoid retail facilities if at all possible during November and December. I don't have much patience for long lines, frustrated people, and big crowds in general. Well I have all kinds of patience for those things at a Nascar race, but not in Target or the mall. I would rather avoid it at all costs, and sit home bitching about the humidity fucking up my chocolate covered pretzels yet again. I swear there is only one day a year that you can make those damn things in the south and I always seem to be busy that day. I am getting into the holiday mood. Got my pumpkins and my headstone out and I have been thinking about my Christmas tree. I really need to find something better to occupy my time, lol. True sign of a bored housewife. I am planning decorations 3 months in advanced. I am still working on that whole self improvement thing. I haven't bit my nails in two weeks and they are so pretty. I also have been cleaning and cooking, go me! I even been making my bed and keeping my sink clean. The flylady thing is just beyond me but I have taken some things from her book and ran with them. I just cant only clean one thing at a time or not the entire house. I also think it would take me more time and effort to make the book than to just clean the shit to began with. I am just not that creative. My creativity comes in bursts and they are few and far between. But anyways I am doing what works for me. We also survived our first middle school project. We are now starting the dreaded science project. I swear they make it as hard as they can. I get to burn 24 candles, two at a time and see which color burns faster. I say me, I mean me and Kyle. But he has to be supervised and therefor I end up doing most of the work. I will be like Kyle pay attention, and Kyle is like um... I am in the bathroom, getting a drink, picking my nose, eating, watching tv, fighting with my sister, playing with the dog. See how that works? Well its been real, I am outta here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I have just decided that I want to downsize my life. I don't want to have such a expensive house or cars. I just want to live my life and be happy with what I have. I am tired of upgrading. When did it become so important what you have instead of who you are? I think my children are becoming spoiled. I refuse to continue to living my life like this. I feel like I have lost a part of who I am. I actually quit caring about the house since Mark is never home. Um since when was he the only person who lives here? I cannot fathom why I would think its not important to keep my house up for myself and my children. I have slacked on cooking also. I just have to get myself out of this rut I have been stuck in. I have just really let things go to hell in a hand basket and I am tired of it. I need to get myself back. I have let everything go the house, the size of my ass, spoiling the kids. I just have alot of work ahead of me. In a few weeks we will find out about Marks job and when I know where I am going to be living then I can make some decisions about moving. I want a less expensive house and a simpler life all around. I need some space. I am tired of being up underneath my neighbors. I am ready to move back to bufu. Well maybe not bufu but in between the burbs and bufu.