Monday, April 30, 2007
I dribble!
Yes I admit it. I dribble alcohol into my drinks. I went to a play date today and it was oh I don't know not even lunch time so I didn't want to get drunk. So I just dribbled a little into my cup. LOL I would say it wasn't a virgin but it had been to second base! I am such a lightweight. So it's good sometimes to drink before 5:00. It was nice today to get out and talk to another adult. I really do love me some shake shake, my friends back porch paradise for those of you who don't know the Queen. So my hubby is coming back home this week, I am inspired to cook. Since I haven't cooked since he was last here except for maybe twice, I figured it was time. Yeah that's right, I don't cook when he ain't home, vote for me for mom of the year, I am the one opening the lunchables boxes. I am excited to see my hubby. It's Taylor's birthday party. She is having a sleepover. I can't believe my baby is going to be 10! Where the hell did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that she was born. It's crazy how life ends up, all the things you thought you life was going to be and it ends up totally different but better than you ever could have imagined. Well I am off to do some stuff around the house, my big kids will be home any second and then it's referee time for the next few hours. C-ya!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Today was the greatest
Today was a blast. This morning I took 4 kids to get haircuts. That was not the fun part of my day. Then we went to Blu Rabbits. After that chaos I decided it was time for some retail therapy. So I took the boys to a friends and me and Tay spent the afternoon at the mall. We had a blast. We got pedicures and makeovers at the make up counters. I spent way too much money on makeup. We shopped for clothes. We literally shopped till we dropped. I got some good deals at the gap. Then we hit the disney store. We found a cell phone in the Dillards dressing room and did our good deed for the day and turned it in. We then went and ate at the Santa Fe Grill. It was so yummy. I am so going back next time I am in the mall. We had a really great time. It's so nice to spend time one on one with my kids. Tomorrow I am going to Florida. I have been sticking to my diet, and have lost almost 6 pounds already. I have really been doing very well. I am proud of myself. I will update with some pics when I get back from Florida. peace and chicken grease!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
Catchy title huh? Well I started my diet today. I had to figure out what was going to work for me. I finally figured it out what do I really want. Well let me tell you its a new wedding ring and a coach purse. So I set myself some rewards for losing weight, with hubby's permission. For every 10 pounds I lose I get a treat of some kind. When I lose 25 pounds I am getting a coach purse, and when I get to my goal weight I am getting a new wedding ring. Nothing like a little bribery to get me going. I am committed to this. I didn't cheat all day and there is a hot pizza sitting on my kitchen table the boys talked me into. And I am in here drinking water and blogging. Yep that's right no pizza for me. I ate 4 hours ago and I ain't eating nothing else. I am just going to suck it up and stick to it. I am sure once I start seeing results I will be really motivated. Mainly I just want my purse and ring. LOL What a materialistic bitch I am. But hey whatever works for me right? At least I am doing something about being fat. I could have just stayed in denial its not just a river you know. Well anyway wish me luck, hopefully soon there will be alot less of me.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Clean Houses
Today I stayed home all day to clean. I cleaned for hours. My house sorta reflects this. Has anyone ever noticed that the more you clean the messier it looks. I cleaned out rooms and closets and I have bags of stuff for goodwill. I have done a million loads of laundry today and I still have to put it all up. It's the never ending laundry cycle at my house. It's like gremlins, remember that movie? Well someone is feeding my laundry food after midnight and getting it wet, cause it just multiplies and gets nastier. Tomorrow Mark is going back to Shreveport. It's hard with him back and forth. Well I have to cut this short because I have carpet to clean and kids to supervise. Kyle is cleaning out all his outgrown movies and toys, ha! We shall see if he really throws anything away, he is a total pack rat. C-ya! OMG I just have to add this, I just spellchecked and there were no misspellings found. Am I getting smarter? Hmm there is some food for thought. Finally recovering from my Mommy Mush Brain?
Monday, April 9, 2007
Birthdays and Confessions

First of all here are the birthday party pics. It went well. Ryan had a great time and that's all that matters. However Blu Rabbits sucks ass and I will never have I party there. With that said here are a few pics. Ok on to other things.
I have some confessions to make.
1.I think of my blogs while I drive usually.
2.I wish I could write and drive so I could write down my ideas.
3.I think my truck is the shit.
4.I worry some times that I will become a gap mom, but then I realize I dress like shit most days so I am safe.
5.I have been married twice.
6.I liked the Jerry Springer show.
7.I am impressed by men who can dance and take a bra off easily.
8.Bonus points if they can release the bra with one hand.
9.My husband doesn't know where I blog, in fact I am not sure if he even knows I have one.
10.I like my mother in law.
11.I have spent more money on my teeth than most people spend on cars.
12.I think I have cute feet.
13.This is the fattest I have ever been in my life, including pregnancy.
14.Tomorrow I am going to see about a diet.
15.I am scared shitless.
16.I hate diets.
17.I subscribe to Star Magazine.
18.My house is a mess right now.
19.I don't know where I want to live.
20.I have no clue why I wanted to do this but I felt the need to confess, perhaps I should be Catholic?
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