Saturday, December 29, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away
I know that some parts of our Country are under severe drought. But if this god blessed rain doesn't stop I am going to go insane. I should be thankful. But there are starving people in under developed third world countries but that doesn't make me want to eat icky vegetables either. It has done nothing but pour for days. I am stuck in the house with the bored kids. Not a good combination. I have a raging sinus issue, a aversion to driving in the rain, and I have no motivation since its dark all day. I must be one of those weirdo weather sensitive mood people. My dog doesn't even want to leave the bed. I don't blame him I am just jealous! So I am going to go home next week. I haven't been home since July. I really miss my friends. The flip side of that is that I hate how everyone has moved on with their life. Did I really think they would just stop and wait for me? Well hell yeah I did! I am that full of myself. It just sucks to talk to them and they talk about people I don't know. I used to know everyone they knew. It sucks cause I had to move here, and I don't really want to move back. I just want them. If they would just come to their senses and walk away from their lives and families like I did and be here with me things would be much better. Excuse me while I go get a bigger chair cause I am so full of myself I am too big for this one.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Another Holiday
So we survived another holiday. It really has gotten to me how much I miss having friends and family. I miss having that closeness. I have all the toys put up and the tree has been taken down and put away. I am ready to get this season over with. Mark ended up getting called into work and I had to take Kyle to Crestview on Christmas Day. Nothing like a Waffle House Christmas dinner, as if I was rednecky enough! Ryan was uber excited. He loves Waffle House. So today I went back on a diet. I like to feel like I got a head start on everyone else. I dont have New Years plans so why not. So I am tired of the hair already. Time to call the hair master and make some changes. I am thinking highlights?? Maybe go back blond? Who knows what craziness I will come up with this time. Other than that I have been on a cleaning and decluttering spree. Starting the new year off on the right foot. Yeah right! Actually I am bored and I don't want to leave the house so why not clean it. That way when the kids go back to school I don't have much do to. Speaking of school I am ready for it go back. I am ready to get back into a routine. Its hard for me to do that when they are home. Taylor wants to sleep all day. Plus I am getting tired of playing! LOL We have played with all the new toys so much I am about played out. When Kyle gets back we are going to continue our Rock Band World Tour. I cant wait till Kyle and Morgan are both home. We are so going to beat this game!! So thats about all thats going on in Christy World, time to call the hair master!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Grinch
Today was the day for the Grinch, aka my husband to Christmas shop. This requires a trip to best buy. That is the only place the Grinch will shop. So he goes alone with the boys to best buy. Taylor and I go to Belk's, then we go over to Sams just wasting time. So he calls. I meet him back at best buy thinking he is done. Nope, he wants me to help him shop. Ok... So off we go back into best buy. Everyone should always shop the weekend before Christmas. To get to the point of the story the Grinch ponyed up this year for real. That's right I got a Cannon Rebel. My dream camera. Oh mama is a happy camper. The Grinch did good this year despite his hatred of the holidays. Then we had to mattress shop. The Grinch was not happy with our love nest. So we got new mattresses. Are we the only people who go through them like underwear? I blame it on the kids jumping on it and not anything we do on it. ;) It was a pretty good day today. Although I did get body slammed on the concrete but it was a accident. I am sore as hell. We were supposed to go out to dinner on the company but we didn't really want to get a sitter. So we got outback to go tonight. Its the niftiest thing, you order online and drive up and its ready and they bring it to your car. I love outback. Well we have one more day till Christmas Eve. The kids are so excited to open gifts. I am excited to see them open them. I will be taking lots of pics with my new toy.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Holiday Baking
Here are some pics of my holiday baking the other day. The first are my peanut butter thumbprints. Second are some white chocolate covered pretzels. Then is my mess, lol, not sure why the dawn is there? I think I hadn't put it up from my trip to the store.

So much going on
I don't even know where to began. That's why I haven't written. I start and then just don't know where to start. We are finally done with school till Jan. I have had a stomach virus 3 times in 3 weeks. Not sure how that happens but trust me folks it does and it sucks. The bright side to this is I can't stop losing weight. Its all good till I get too skinny, and I have a while before that becomes a issue. I am still loving the new hair. It rocks. I am all ready for Christmas. I am so excited about it. The presents are taking over my living room. We are now trying to plan another trip. We already have the race in Feb. We ended up getting quite a bit of money for the kids for Christmas, and I could not think of a single thing they didn't already get. So we decided to go on a trip with the money. YAH GRANDPARENTS!! My grandparents rock trust me. Although sometimes they like to call me while they are on there way here unannounced. Yeah fun times. But at least they come and see me, and at least they have sense enough to realize that they have no clue what to get their great grand kids, they were trying like hell to figure it out when I was a kid, at this point the admit defeat and give cash. So other than the very upsetting incident of Christy vs the school office, its all good. We will not elaborate on this incident, most of you have heard me bitching and I am tired of hearing myself whine about it. So anyway life is good as always. We are very blessed. I do worry about taxes but I can't change the outcome so I am just going to take it as it comes. Hopefully it will come out in my favor. Hmm what else has been going on? I can't really think of anything right now. There is so much going on with my everyday life. I have been busy baking up a storm, cleaning and playing with the kids. I will post some baking pics here in a few. Oh here is the hair pic. I tried my best to take it so you could see it but its hard when I am doing it myself.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
5:30 pm
At 5:30 pm today I was done. Believe it or not totally done. House was clean, clothes washed and put away. We had ate dinner and I had the dishes going in the dishwasher. The world will be ending tonight, I hope you prayed.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I was a housewife when being a housewife wasn't cool.
I got to thinking the other day about this. I have always wanted to be a housewife. I didn't go to college. I didn't have a career. Its want I always wanted. It seems these days that its so cool to be a housewife or a sahm. So many women choose to stay home. They give up careers and stay home with their children, or just stay home period. I know women have stayed home for years and I am not the first by no means. I just felt like giving myself a little credit for doing the cool thing when it wasn't so cool. When my friends were going to college and starting their careers, I was reading what to expecting while you are expecting and doing laundry. Its sorta nice to be the trendy one. Yep that's me trendy!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
So I didn't do it all
It was a really big list. I am working on it though. So yesterday Mark took Ryan to the Doodlebops concert. I really had mixed feelings about it all. Relieved I didn't have to drive across town and figure out where to park. But I was also sad. I wanted to see the look on his face when they came out, and experience that excitement with him. I was sorta bummed about it. I know its selfish as hell. Mark has been gone 8 months and they are his children too. Buts it the way I felt. I was also worried what if he forgets to hold his hand? I can't help myself. When I met him he had Kyle who was 4 years old and took care of him alone. But I am just a born worrier I guess. I know he is capable of taking care of them. So I guess I am a selfish worrier! I did spend time alone with Tay while they were gone. We went to the library, and met them for lunch pre concert, and then I took her to do her Christmas shopping at Target. I also changed my hair color on Friday and went darker than I have ever been. Let's all do the Adams Family snaps together, dud du dump! Call me Morticia from now on. The kids swear its black but actually a dark chocolate brown. I think its very pretty and she cut it again a little so it lays down so much better. Let me tell you that cut little Posh bob was so great this summer but its a bitch to grow back out. Especially when you have to thin it so much when you have really thick hair. But anyway I love it and that's all that matters. We are just having a lazy day today. Being bums. This week coming up is going to be hell. I have Ryan's Christmas party, Taylor's Christmas party and Kyle's band concert all on the same day. Can someone meet me with a cocktail around 5:30 pm in the Phillips Preparatory School parking lot? I am Taylor's room mother so I have to also arrange the pizzas and everything else and make sure that their party goes well. I also have to bring Ryan with me. Thank God he is older now and so much better about doing things. The days of being tied at home with naps, and toting around diaper bags are far behind me now. As much as I worried about wanting another child, I am so happy with the way things are now its unbelievable. I don't think I could handle going through it all again. I think my baby days are behind me and as I approach 30 I am quite sure they are gone. Its nice having some freedom. Mark and I are planning a weekend away in the next month or so and we were also looking at taking a cruise as a family. Yep things just keep looking up, that baby thing doesn't look all that great anymore. Not that you can't do things with a baby. We just can't. We can never afford financially to have the said baby and do other things at the same time. We also require lots of sleep and get uber bitchy when we don't get it. When I say we I mean our whole family. Even the kids were ill when Ryan would cry at night and wake them up. LOL So I am sure I will always have my regrets about not having at least one more, I am pretty sure I will be able to live with my decisions. Ryan has grown up so much since we have moved here its insane. He is a little boy not and not a baby at all. Not even a inch of baby fat left. It really makes me proud that I am ok with it. I have always second guessed myself and my choices and its nice for once to just be ok with them. So anyway bring on my 30's! I feel like I am finally getting somewhere in my life, even if its only understanding what I want out of it.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My to do list
Here is my little list of things I have to do today. Just to put my life in perspective, and to hush my mil who is bitching at me for not posting, lol.
Take Taylor to school, Ryan is playing hooky.
Go to Target.
Drop off supplies at school.
Call Carpet Cleaners
Call hairdresser
Sweep and Mop
Call ATT
Call XM
Put up laundry and start new loads
Address Christmas Cards
Clean Max's Cage
Wrap Presents
Mail out packages and pictures
Rearrange Christmas Decorations
Take Winston to groomers
So that is my list taken straight from the piece of paper I just pulled out my pocket. So far today its 9:48 am, and I have went to Target, went by the school, called the carpet guy, decided to take Winston tomorrow so he will be out of the house while carpet guy is here, and wasted time on the computer. Oh I forgot to start the laundry and lay out meat for dinner. A friend is coming over to help me and Kyle put his science project board together so I am bribing them with dinner. Such fun! On the bright side I don't have a whole lot of cleaning to do since I have done nothing but bust my ass for the past week. Yah me! I am going back to the gym next week. I still have the rest of this month and next month to decided if I want to stay at that gym or go to another one. So there is my things to do today list. Oh and at some point hubby is going to call me to pick him up at the car dealer. Well I am off to get some more things knocked off my list.
Take Taylor to school, Ryan is playing hooky.
Go to Target.
Drop off supplies at school.
Call Carpet Cleaners
Call hairdresser
Sweep and Mop
Call ATT
Call XM
Put up laundry and start new loads
Address Christmas Cards
Clean Max's Cage
Wrap Presents
Mail out packages and pictures
Rearrange Christmas Decorations
Take Winston to groomers
So that is my list taken straight from the piece of paper I just pulled out my pocket. So far today its 9:48 am, and I have went to Target, went by the school, called the carpet guy, decided to take Winston tomorrow so he will be out of the house while carpet guy is here, and wasted time on the computer. Oh I forgot to start the laundry and lay out meat for dinner. A friend is coming over to help me and Kyle put his science project board together so I am bribing them with dinner. Such fun! On the bright side I don't have a whole lot of cleaning to do since I have done nothing but bust my ass for the past week. Yah me! I am going back to the gym next week. I still have the rest of this month and next month to decided if I want to stay at that gym or go to another one. So there is my things to do today list. Oh and at some point hubby is going to call me to pick him up at the car dealer. Well I am off to get some more things knocked off my list.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I was thinking today what am I thankful for? I am thankful for my family. For my friends. I am thankful for someone to steal the leftover pizza. I am thankful for my pets. I am thankful to live the life that I live. I dont know what it is about me but I dont do new years resolutions. I really just want to be a better me. I am weeding out the bad and trying to make me better. At the end of the day you are responsible for your own actions and cant blame anyone but yourself if your life isnt what you want it to be. I have to say that the past couple of years have been very hard emotionally on me. I hope that this upcoming year brings lots of peace into my life. I am off to check on my feast. The naked turkey dance is coming up pretty soon. I am quite excited about the McGough family tradition.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
One more day
Tomorrow is the last day. Will I survive? I hope so. I have one day left till my hubby comes home. Its been 8 months. That's a long freaking time. I am excited to see him, we haven't seen each other in a month and half. I am stressing about the house. Trying to make everything look its best. I am feeling overwhelmed right now dealing with Kyle. He is giving me more shit than I can handle. If we survive this school year and he passes I will probably fall down and die of shock. Its been one thing after another. Tonight at the last minute I was expected to make a excel spreadsheet and science project graphs, line and bar. God help us all when I am required to handle shit like that. I just want to scream sometimes. I want to run out in the middle of my suburban street and yell hello I am a 9 th grade drop out and I fucking give up! My neighbor teaches engineering at the local college maybe he will feel sorry for me and help him with his homework. I don't think its normal to have a headache every single night. Its pounding right now. On the bright side I am making some progress on my life changes. I went walking today with Gracie in her big stroller which is really heavy to push up hills. I have been doing good. I know stress cant kill you but I swear it cant be good for you to have this much of it in your life. Hopefully things will calm down when Mark gets back. If not I am going to have to figure something out because I don't know how much more stress I can take. I am hoping its just the build up of him being gone for so long and me being responsible for everything and 3 kids. Its a lot. I am trying not to bitch about it, but its really gotten to me. I so need a spa day, a vacation, a one way ticket to somewhere else. LOL Too bad I would never relax because I would be too busy worrying about what was going on at home or what the kids were doing.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Today was one of those days where you question getting out of bed. I was sleeping so well, I totally didnt want to get out of bed to began with. Taylor and Ryan whined and cried for no reason all morning. As we are walking out the door Ryan started whining for toast. He had a entire hour to ask for toast and waits till we are going to be late and then asks. Then you feel like shit because your child wanted some toast and you didnt make it. He had already ate something else but I still feel bad. So I run erronds and junk like that. Then the older two come home. Oh yes let the games began. Kyle was giving me shit about doing his homework. He is failing school because he doesnt turn in work. So it was progress report day and he ends up arguging with me. Like really arguging. Like standing up in my face, yes we are the same size now and telling me no I wont go to my room and do homework and shit like that. Umm yeah. This is where I lose it. I cant take my children anymore. I am calling his friends mom to come get him and get him out of here for awhile. I needed some time to cool down. So I calm down deal with him, get him taken care of and off to bed. I come into my room to get on the comp and here comes Taylor. Ryan thankfully has passed out in my bed. He has a really good sense of self preservation and knows whats good for him. So anyway here is Taylor. I look and look again. She looks funny. Oh why yes thats it... She has no fucking eyebrows!! She for whatever reason decided to shave off her eyebrows. One is really thin and barely there and the other is thin and missing a big chunk in the middle. She has been shaving her legs for a month. I knew she would pull this shit. I told her and told her only your legs up to your knee. I was her age when I started shaving and she had really hairy legs. What do you do? So as I inspected further she is also hairless on her arms. Oh yeah this will go over great, my already dark haired, furry child will now be growing all kinds of hair back. Tell me again why I wake up in the mornings? Maybe I should have kept the razor on top of the fridge? LOL Old playgroup joke.
Monday, November 5, 2007
She did what?
So today I read that Katie Holmes ran the New York Marathon and then went out that night to a movie premiere. I mean come on now! Can you please give the couch potatoes a break? How the hell do you run for 5 hours and then dress up, put on heels, and a smile on your face and go out in public? I would die. There is no way. I could totally run to the end of my road but I doubt I would be able to make it back. I have never been a runner, hated it as a child. Its just not my bag baby. I am not hating on her. I think she is cute, her kid is cute, and really what woman who grew up in the 80's didn't at some point think they were going to marry Tom Cruise? I just think she needs to rethink the whole running the marathon and then going out that night looking like a million bucks. It makes the rest of us look bad. One of the blogs I read calls her a robot, I am beginning to wonder if he isn't on to something? In other breaking news my husband will be home in 3 days. This is good news, since he hasn't lived here in 8 months. Its going to be a little bit of a adjustment having him here again after so long. I am used to staying up as late as I want blogging, reading blogs, and play diner dash. So I am going to have to get my diner dash in earlier in the day I guess. I am sure things will be fine, its just going to take some getting used to. The only people in my bed have been Ryan and my snoring pug. Mark takes up a lot of room. He is sprawled all over the place. So I am really excited to have a husband again. Also since he reads my blog I wont bitch if I am ready for him to go back on the road. LOL Just kidding honey!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Oh the germs!
We have been sickly. Everyone in my house has had a cold or unfortunate anal leakage. Ryan and I both had fevers and really bad colds. It sucks. I feel like there is water in my ears all the time. That said I have not had my head in water in a long time. So we survived another Halloween barely. As our tradition Ryan was sick for Halloween. He managed to make it down the street before sitting down to rest and asked to go home. He was running a fever but as long as he felt like walking we were going. I hate to see him sick every year. He gets so excited to get his costume and then BAM! The sickness. There is always next year. Fingers crossed, knocking on wood, praying to the well child goddess! Yesterday was just a normal day here in sick land. We stayed at home, didnt get dressed and went through 5 boxes of tissues. Its horrible how many trees we kill around here. While we were making dinner Taylor got in trouble so I send her friend home. Well she comes running back up to the door saying there is ambulances and firetrucks outside. I was like hmm I was only grilling steaks, you should see the flames when we make hamburgers. So of course being the nosy asses that we are we mosey on out to see whats up. Really we all ran outside like it was a tornado and we were going to be on the news telling what we saw. Coming soon to a trailer park near you! So anyway down the road we see the ambulance and the fire truck. It was at the house of a girl who was in Kyles class last year. Now granted there is no love lost between this child and my children, I felt really bad for whatever was going on. So as the kids are out side debating on what happened to who, out comes the stretcher with the little girl on it, her Mom running out behind them. I cant began to describe how I felt. Use your imagination. You see stuff every day, car wrecks whatever. But when you see something bad happen to a child the same age as yours it really upsets you. You always thing it wont happen to me. Well it does sometimes, and that scares the shit out of me. I considered going over and asking if everything was ok, but really its just being nosey. They would know that I only wanted to see what was going on, and that is just rude. Ruder than I will be.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Beast had a spa day
I took her in for some alone time. She needed it bad. I got her the works. Seats cleaned, carpet shampooed, washed and waxed. They loveingly detailed every inch of her interior. She is like a brand new girl now! So fresh and clean. And sorta greasy. LOL The wheel was still slippery from the leather conditioner. It made driving interesting. The old girl has been through alot this year. I figured she needed it. I would also like to add that for what I spent on her I so could have had a spa day myself. I really need to examine my choices in the future. I am sure I could have gotten by with a trip through the gas station car wash and a brisk wiping with a baby wipe. I guess she is worth it. As for the rest of my day, well its cold. Did I mention that yesterday? Yeah I thought so. I got all my presents wrapped. Its funny how you lay them all out and you have presents from us, and then Santa presents. Santa doesn't wrap presents at our house. So as I pile of wrapped presents becomes smaller the Santa one becomes bigger. You think that's a awkward size, that's too flimsy of a box, that's rather large. Yeah your back starts hurting from leaning over, nope he can bring that one too. I also have noticed no matter how much more money I spend on our oldest, he still looks like the neglected stepchild. I can't help all his gifts are small and expensive. You can't exactly buy him toys at this age. Its a very hard age. He understands it. But it bothers me. I don't like for it to look like such a small amount. I feel like its pitiful. I hope that Rock Band Box is really big when it comes in. LOL Maybe that will help. So despite my bragging that I am done, I am not. I have to get him some more things for his bday, cause I stole his presents for Christmas so he didn't look pitiful. Well I am off to finish shopping.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It's freezing!
Hi! My name is Christy and I am from Florida. I now live in Alabama where its fucking freezing! Its gets cold back home, but it takes forever to cool off due to our swamp like humidity and the fact that we are on the beach. I noticed it was colder here last year but I just assumed it was all in my head. Nope its not. Its defiantly colder here than back home. I am probably going to always be cold. Brrr! Anyway today I got all my Christmas items lined up and ready to go. Tomorrow commences wrapping day. Yep that's right I am done shopping. Well other than two presents that I have to order online. That will complete all three kids and Kyles birthday. I have broken my past record of always being done by Thanksgiving, I am now done by Halloween. HA! Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitches, I will see ya'll on Black Friday. Oh wait! That's right no I wont! HeHe!!!! Feel the evilness? Yeah it feels good to brag. Its so much less stress to have all the stuff done with. I can now sit patiently and wait to decorate my house, I am becoming a regular Martha Stewart. I have already planned out where my decorations are going to go. I am really excited. Yeah I know don't fall over dead. I also have to sit and wait out the weather to make my prized, well they are prized to me, chocolate covered pretzels. I have to wait till the humidity cooperates with me. Not a easy task here in the Deep South. How about that I manged to bitch about how cold it is and whine about humidity all in the same post. I am sure there is some blog award out there for crazy people who can't make up their mind. I am a shoo in for that! Well I am outta here, its 7:00 and I am already ready for bed. Sad isn't it?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Excitement, Disappointment, and Growing
Last night was the Belly Dance Superstars show. I was so excited to see Rachel Brice dance. She is my favorite dancer. I was just in awe. I could not believe I was that close to her. I am like a crazed groupie! You just don't know. I would have her children! She is so amazing! The show was really great and I had the best seats, third row front and center. One of the things I like best about this dance troupe is that after each show they come out front and meet their fans and take pics, and sign photos. So there I sat after the show,waiting. My camera was on. My hair was fixed. I was trying not to hyperventilate before she even got out front. I was super stoked to see there wasn't many people waiting. Last year it was a mad house of people. I scoffed at the idiots who obviously didn't know whats up and had left already. So there I stood waiting, and waiting and what the fuck are they doing? Finally I over hear the dreaded words. They aren't coming out? Excuse me? THEY AREN'T COMING OUT!!!! I flipped my lid. I was so close to meeting her, and having a picture to prove it. OMG!!!!!! The rage! Hmm who's the idiot now? Not the ones who already left before it started raining. So as I trek back to my truck in the rain, straightened hair frizzing in the humidity and wetness, I didn't cry. I was fucking pissed. I stomped my ass all the way to the parking lot. Impressive by the way stomping in heels in the rain. I was just so disappointed. I felt like it was personal. I know they have fans, I know they are just doing a job. I know I am obsessed. I just wanted a moment, I just wanted to take a pic, say I met her. I am not a psycho crazed fan, I am a groupie, there is a distinction. Dammit! But I am starting to understand why someone becomes one. So once again another year has gone by and I have not met Rachel Brice. In other news I had to go the uniform shop today. That's right we made it one whole quarter before my children outgrew school uniforms. I wanted to buy the next size up but they were sold out of Taylors and Kyle is in the biggest size before he goes to mens. So I made Zogby's power bill for the month. Bleh! Does anyone know how long it takes a taper candle to burn? Well its been burning for over 2 hours and its not done yet. I get to burn 24 of these bad mama gammas 2 at a time. Gotta love science projects. Yeah fun stuff! So that pretty much sums up my weekend, burn candles, clean, try not to duct tape children's mouths. There is only so much you can listen to while trapped in a house with 3 kids all weekend. Well I am outta here, peace and chicken grease!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Does it ever stop?
It seems like errands are never ending! It's always something. I would love to just be bored and sit home. I feel like I am trying to cram a weeks worth of things in a day, and if I don't then its even more that I have to try to cram into the next day. It seems like all the kids decided to grow at once, so I am having to buy new pants and shoes. This child needed a shot record, so I did that. Now the other child needs it so I manage to get it done and he actually has to have the shot which of course caused a reaction. This child lost their glasses, have to do that. I had to go to the store to get things for children's projects. Had to pick up hubbys glasses and ups them to him. I have family portrait appointments. It just never freaking ends. Just once I would love to buy groceries and they last longer than a few days. I swear we have ghosts that eat cause no way do my kids consume that much food. Well ok maybe they do, but damn its a pain in my ass and wallet. I just hate that feeling of always being out of something or always needing to go to the store. Yes I plan, I make lists, it just never fails. This is just a fucked up yucky day. My lunch made me sick, my head hurts from allergy's due to weather changes, and I am tired as hell because I could not fall asleep last night. I have had many annoying things happen today. Who the hell sends glasses back to the store with only one lens? See what I mean? Just a fucked up day. I really thought it was Tuesday but it looks like its still Monday.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Aint nothing going on but the rent
Don't you hate when a dumb songs get stuck in your head. Anyway nothing much going on here just a normal day, errands, kids, cleaning, cooking. Same old shit new day. Tomorrow is my big house cleaning day. Going to get everything all clean for the weekend so my kiddos can trash it all. I have to take Kyle to Crestview tomorrow also. Love that drive. At least I get to eat at Hooters. That's my reward for the drive. That Hooters is so great, they have this kids play area and the tvs are on Disney Channel, its a total family restaurant on the weekends. They even have balloons for the kiddos. It bets the hell out of mickyd's. In other breaking news I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I did some more today. I am so on it this year. Usually I have it all done by Thanksgiving, this year I am going for Halloween. I like to avoid retail facilities if at all possible during November and December. I don't have much patience for long lines, frustrated people, and big crowds in general. Well I have all kinds of patience for those things at a Nascar race, but not in Target or the mall. I would rather avoid it at all costs, and sit home bitching about the humidity fucking up my chocolate covered pretzels yet again. I swear there is only one day a year that you can make those damn things in the south and I always seem to be busy that day. I am getting into the holiday mood. Got my pumpkins and my headstone out and I have been thinking about my Christmas tree. I really need to find something better to occupy my time, lol. True sign of a bored housewife. I am planning decorations 3 months in advanced. I am still working on that whole self improvement thing. I haven't bit my nails in two weeks and they are so pretty. I also have been cleaning and cooking, go me! I even been making my bed and keeping my sink clean. The flylady thing is just beyond me but I have taken some things from her book and ran with them. I just cant only clean one thing at a time or not the entire house. I also think it would take me more time and effort to make the book than to just clean the shit to began with. I am just not that creative. My creativity comes in bursts and they are few and far between. But anyways I am doing what works for me. We also survived our first middle school project. We are now starting the dreaded science project. I swear they make it as hard as they can. I get to burn 24 candles, two at a time and see which color burns faster. I say me, I mean me and Kyle. But he has to be supervised and therefor I end up doing most of the work. I will be like Kyle pay attention, and Kyle is like um... I am in the bathroom, getting a drink, picking my nose, eating, watching tv, fighting with my sister, playing with the dog. See how that works? Well its been real, I am outta here.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I have just decided that I want to downsize my life. I don't want to have such a expensive house or cars. I just want to live my life and be happy with what I have. I am tired of upgrading. When did it become so important what you have instead of who you are? I think my children are becoming spoiled. I refuse to continue to living my life like this. I feel like I have lost a part of who I am. I actually quit caring about the house since Mark is never home. Um since when was he the only person who lives here? I cannot fathom why I would think its not important to keep my house up for myself and my children. I have slacked on cooking also. I just have to get myself out of this rut I have been stuck in. I have just really let things go to hell in a hand basket and I am tired of it. I need to get myself back. I have let everything go the house, the size of my ass, spoiling the kids. I just have alot of work ahead of me. In a few weeks we will find out about Marks job and when I know where I am going to be living then I can make some decisions about moving. I want a less expensive house and a simpler life all around. I need some space. I am tired of being up underneath my neighbors. I am ready to move back to bufu. Well maybe not bufu but in between the burbs and bufu.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Things found in my bathtub
When we moved here I was excited since I finally had my dream house, including my dream tub. Its a bad ass bathtub if I say so myself. So this morning I wake up and decided the shower just seems too harsh. I want a nice soak. I am up early and my hair is clean so the tub it is. I run my water and plop myself down and ahh it feels so good. I just lie there loving it. Then I open my eyes and start looking around at my dream tub. Well lets just say its not much of a dream anymore. There are my usual items my shells and coral, my bottles of scrubs and bubbles. But there seems to be intruders into my bathtub paradise. There is Diego and his helicopter. Three hot wheels cars. Kids Shampoo. Baby Shampoo. Baby bath clothes. A yellow plastic stacking ring. The little green cup Gracie likes to play with in the bath. There are Ryans clothes from last night soaking wet, cause he jumped in the tub fully dressed and exclaimed it was a party in the tub. Taylors poufy was on the side of the tub. Then I wonder at what point did I lose control of my tub? It was my happy place, it was my island oasis away from the chaos of my home. Its conveniently located next to my closet where I sometimes hide and cry, or just hide from the kids and try to stay on hold with the cable company. Needless to say they have won. They have taken over everything. I wave my white flag and drive hot wheels around the tub.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
This is why I will never be a Gap Mom
So picture this. I get up get dressed, actually look decent, did my hair, put on capris and a new tee I picked up at Gap. So I run Ryan and Tay to school and come back here. I am going to clean up the bathroom and fold a load of laundry before going to run errands. So I clean the small bathroom. It takes me 15 minutes. As I do one last check in the mirror to make sure I didn't miss any spots, I see it. A godblessedfreakingstain! Thats right I managed to ruin a brand new shirt in 15 minutes. How I managed such feat I don't know. I only used bleach on the toilet and it was the one that squirts out of the bottle under the lid. I swear I will just never make it as a Gap mom. How the hell do they clean in clothes that aren't already ruined? I just don't get it. I just give up and from now on let it be known that if I am cleaning I am wearing bleached stained tee shirts from high school and pj pants! Screw trying to look presentable in case someone comes by. Shit ya'll know I am redneck by now.
Monday, August 13, 2007
The food issue
There seems to be a issue with food in our house. We can't seem to keep any in it. My kids eat like there is no tomorrow. They are perfectly healthy. They don't have worms, smoke pot, or any other reason I can think of that they would eat like this. I know they are growing children. But omg!! I went grocery shopping twice today! Once to Target to get the essentials, and then again to Winn Dixie this afternoon to get meat and ended up getting another buggy full of food. I just don't see where they put it all. Everyone told me how much teens eat. Well none of them are even teens yet and I am scared! Kyle and his best friend, aka my 4th child, can wolf down a x-large pizza in one sitting. They inhale it, grab cheesey bread and look around for more. I recently took them out to dinner and then bowling, within a hour of being at the bowling alley I had bought 4 pizzas, 2 pitchers of soda and some nachos. This was after we hit the KFC buffet. Now granted I had 6 total children with me, but still. I think its a little excessive. Maybe I am jealous because I am always watching every bite that goes in my mouth while they inhale everything in site and stay skinny. Or perhaps I am just smarting in the pocketbook. Either way I just feel the need to let people know just how much my children eat. I do have witnesses by the way. Ask one of their grandparents or friends moms. My children are known eaters!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Letting things go
It has came to my attention that I haven't updated since May. Well lets just say I was letting things go. I just wasn't in the mood to share my life with anyone. I have been super busy all summer and hardly on the computer. Gasp! I know! Not the norm for me. I also just think the whole blogging thing was a cute way to let my family know what was going on. Then I was like screw it its just trendy and I can call them. Then I was going to go back to blogging on myspace and lo and behold I got bitched at by my mil who was like you need to blog! LOL So here I am back blogging. Hope you are happy Martha! LOL My blog isn't the only thing I have let go. The size of my ass, the ocd about my house being clean have also went to the wayside. The size of my ass I am working on. I think the house thing is a good thing. Its one thing to be clean, its another to be fucking obsessed. Let's face it I was obsessed. I am now bordering the fence between clean and messy and I like it this way. Once you get over the thought that there might be a hair on the bathroom floor or a sticky spot on the kitchen counter, likely occurrence in a house with 3 kids, well it just becomes easier to let things go a little. My house is not dirty or nasty by no means but I had to quit being so obsessed about my house. I would clean it like the president was coming if a girlfriend was coming over. Umm what the hell is up with that? If someone is your friend they dont care if you have toothpaste on your counter. I think it just stems from having ocd and always priding my self on having a clean house. Also with my friends back home I was always the neat freak, I always had the clean house. I liked that title and wanted to carry it with me to Mobile. Now a year later I look back and thing hmm no one really gave a shit how clean my house was and people either like you or they don't. Not sure who I was trying to impress with the clean house thing. Maybe it was because it was my first brand new house. I am very proud of our house and I like it to look nice. But anyway I am getting better about the house thing. I even leave dishes in the sink all night. I know its a big fly lady no no but I really dont think I want house cleaning rules anyway. On to other news we had a break in the heat today it got all cloudy and dropped down to the 80's! Can you imagine? I thought I was going to need a jacket. I will be glad when it cools off and stays cool. I would love to open my windows and air out the house. Look at my lower power bill with glee. Go to the flea market with out having a heat stroke. I love the fresh veggies and fruits there but omg its so hot. Mark and I have been talking about moving. I don't have a reason to stay in Mobile. I like it here. But there is nothing holding me back. Just my fear of not liking a new place and my overwhelming need to stay in one place. My childhood was one move after another. I was always packing up and moving somewhere with my mom and as a adult I hate moving. It greatly upsets me. I have this need to be settled and stay somewhere. I don't want my crazy issues to hold me back from things in life, but I also don't want to make the wrong decision. Everything in life is a gamble but I just hate to lose. Well I guess thats enough of my rambling for one post.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Skate Night
Tonight was the last skate night of the year. It just about broke my heart. Really! I am not being sarcastic this time. My babies are growing up so fast. Kyle was skating around doing his thing. Taylor was spending all her time flirting with a little boy in her class and running around with her friends. And Ryan skated with out me. He actually can shuffle along now. He doesn't need me to hold onto him. It just breaks my heart, I don't want them to grow up! He even plays a mean game of air hockey and played his first game of pool tonight. I am just not ready for my babies to be growing up this fast. Tomorrow is Kyle's last day of Elementary School. I am going to be a mom of a middle schooler. I just can't believe how big my babies are. I really don't know where the time has gone. I guess my point is to enjoy your kids while they are little cause they grow up so fast.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The end is near.
Five, count them, Five days of school left!! I am more excited than the kids. I can't wait. I can sleep late. I don't care if uniforms are clean. I don't have to worry about lunch money, science fair projects, or a million other things they always need all year long. I am so glad to have some freedom. Even if they are home all day driving me nuts. I am taking the alarm clock and putting it in the bottom of a drawer. This whole school year has been one thing after another. I am glad I survived my first year with the Alabama School System, for awhile there it looked like I wasn't going to. You would think moving from one state to another would not be like moving to another country. Maybe it's not, maybe it's only Alabama. In other news my husband is coming home for a visit! I am excited. I really miss him. It's hard all the time, but it seems hardest on the weekends when everyone else has plans with their hubby's and you are just sitting home alone thinking this sucks and I know it sucks for him. I got a little something, something planned for him when he gets home. *insert evil grin here* Let's just say Victoria's Secret had a hell of a sale and they have 3 day shipping. So that's pretty much my big news. Ryan got his stitches out and it looks great. He is all healed. He is going to have a scar but that's to be expected. I had a pampered chef party this weekend and imagine this I had compliments from everyone on my home decorating skills. My bathroom was a big hit. I am actually becoming a real honest to god housewife. I know I have been one for a long time, but I am becoming a typical one now. LOL I haven't helped worked on a truck or been covered in mud in at least 9 months. Not that I think that is something to be proud of. I really miss getting dirty and working on things, I just don't have the chance to do it. Anyway I am proud of my newly acquired decorating skills. I am off to watch a movie with Ryan. Peace out Homies!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Slumber Party

Monday, April 30, 2007
I dribble!
Yes I admit it. I dribble alcohol into my drinks. I went to a play date today and it was oh I don't know not even lunch time so I didn't want to get drunk. So I just dribbled a little into my cup. LOL I would say it wasn't a virgin but it had been to second base! I am such a lightweight. So it's good sometimes to drink before 5:00. It was nice today to get out and talk to another adult. I really do love me some shake shake, my friends back porch paradise for those of you who don't know the Queen. So my hubby is coming back home this week, I am inspired to cook. Since I haven't cooked since he was last here except for maybe twice, I figured it was time. Yeah that's right, I don't cook when he ain't home, vote for me for mom of the year, I am the one opening the lunchables boxes. I am excited to see my hubby. It's Taylor's birthday party. She is having a sleepover. I can't believe my baby is going to be 10! Where the hell did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that she was born. It's crazy how life ends up, all the things you thought you life was going to be and it ends up totally different but better than you ever could have imagined. Well I am off to do some stuff around the house, my big kids will be home any second and then it's referee time for the next few hours. C-ya!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Today was the greatest
Today was a blast. This morning I took 4 kids to get haircuts. That was not the fun part of my day. Then we went to Blu Rabbits. After that chaos I decided it was time for some retail therapy. So I took the boys to a friends and me and Tay spent the afternoon at the mall. We had a blast. We got pedicures and makeovers at the make up counters. I spent way too much money on makeup. We shopped for clothes. We literally shopped till we dropped. I got some good deals at the gap. Then we hit the disney store. We found a cell phone in the Dillards dressing room and did our good deed for the day and turned it in. We then went and ate at the Santa Fe Grill. It was so yummy. I am so going back next time I am in the mall. We had a really great time. It's so nice to spend time one on one with my kids. Tomorrow I am going to Florida. I have been sticking to my diet, and have lost almost 6 pounds already. I have really been doing very well. I am proud of myself. I will update with some pics when I get back from Florida. peace and chicken grease!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
Catchy title huh? Well I started my diet today. I had to figure out what was going to work for me. I finally figured it out what do I really want. Well let me tell you its a new wedding ring and a coach purse. So I set myself some rewards for losing weight, with hubby's permission. For every 10 pounds I lose I get a treat of some kind. When I lose 25 pounds I am getting a coach purse, and when I get to my goal weight I am getting a new wedding ring. Nothing like a little bribery to get me going. I am committed to this. I didn't cheat all day and there is a hot pizza sitting on my kitchen table the boys talked me into. And I am in here drinking water and blogging. Yep that's right no pizza for me. I ate 4 hours ago and I ain't eating nothing else. I am just going to suck it up and stick to it. I am sure once I start seeing results I will be really motivated. Mainly I just want my purse and ring. LOL What a materialistic bitch I am. But hey whatever works for me right? At least I am doing something about being fat. I could have just stayed in denial its not just a river you know. Well anyway wish me luck, hopefully soon there will be alot less of me.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Clean Houses
Today I stayed home all day to clean. I cleaned for hours. My house sorta reflects this. Has anyone ever noticed that the more you clean the messier it looks. I cleaned out rooms and closets and I have bags of stuff for goodwill. I have done a million loads of laundry today and I still have to put it all up. It's the never ending laundry cycle at my house. It's like gremlins, remember that movie? Well someone is feeding my laundry food after midnight and getting it wet, cause it just multiplies and gets nastier. Tomorrow Mark is going back to Shreveport. It's hard with him back and forth. Well I have to cut this short because I have carpet to clean and kids to supervise. Kyle is cleaning out all his outgrown movies and toys, ha! We shall see if he really throws anything away, he is a total pack rat. C-ya! OMG I just have to add this, I just spellchecked and there were no misspellings found. Am I getting smarter? Hmm there is some food for thought. Finally recovering from my Mommy Mush Brain?
Monday, April 9, 2007
Birthdays and Confessions

First of all here are the birthday party pics. It went well. Ryan had a great time and that's all that matters. However Blu Rabbits sucks ass and I will never have I party there. With that said here are a few pics. Ok on to other things.
I have some confessions to make.
1.I think of my blogs while I drive usually.
2.I wish I could write and drive so I could write down my ideas.
3.I think my truck is the shit.
4.I worry some times that I will become a gap mom, but then I realize I dress like shit most days so I am safe.
5.I have been married twice.
6.I liked the Jerry Springer show.
7.I am impressed by men who can dance and take a bra off easily.
8.Bonus points if they can release the bra with one hand.
9.My husband doesn't know where I blog, in fact I am not sure if he even knows I have one.
10.I like my mother in law.
11.I have spent more money on my teeth than most people spend on cars.
12.I think I have cute feet.
13.This is the fattest I have ever been in my life, including pregnancy.
14.Tomorrow I am going to see about a diet.
15.I am scared shitless.
16.I hate diets.
17.I subscribe to Star Magazine.
18.My house is a mess right now.
19.I don't know where I want to live.
20.I have no clue why I wanted to do this but I felt the need to confess, perhaps I should be Catholic?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Yes I am still alive.
I have been sorta out of commission this week. I haven't felt very well and my internet has been messed up. So that's what's been going on. I am excited about this weekend. I hope Ryan's party goes well. Mark is supposed to come home. OMG I just wrote a entire blog and my finger slipped and somehow I erased it. FUCK!! Ok well now you don't get the whole song and dance. Just that I want another kid. I ended up with 5 kids. I have basically adopted another one. I am scared that I just want another one because I love babies so much. I just don't think I need to have another one. I think I need to figure out who I am. I feel like I stash part of me away cause it's just to much to deal with the kids and the house and try to have a life also. I am having company 3 weekends in a row. Not quite sure how that happened but it did. So I guess I have even more cleaning to do. HA! Just want I wanted. I have to lose weight. I have just blown up the past couple of months. I don't know what the hell happened. Well yeah I do, I have been stuffing my face, but that's neither here nor there. The point is I got to lose weight. On the bright side I am done with all my birthday shopping and Easter shopping. I don't have to buy another freaking toy till Christmas. Yeah right, like that's going to happen. Well anyway I need to go. I just wanted to update and post before Aldara had a cow. LOL
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Little Boys
Sometimes my boys can be so sweet! There is nothing sweeter than a little boy when they are being sweet. Girls are supposed to be sweet. But I adore it when my boys are being lovey. This morning and I was going nuts trying to get 5 kids to school at 3 different times, Kyle asked me for a kiss as I dropped him off at the gym for his camp out. Yes my 11 year old wanted a good bye kiss in front of the entire 5th grade. Ah! It melts my heart. He was so sweet last week too he tried to give me 5 bucks for my birthday. It was like half of his money. I didn't take it, I told him I just wanted a hug and a kiss. It really makes up for the times when he is being a perfect shit. So I went and got my hair did. Yep I feel like Christy is back. I am blonde, I have bangs, and I wore a shirt that showed boobs today. Yes that's right, you hear correctly, Christy is back. I don't know where the fuck that bitch has been but I am glad she is back. That whiny, dumpy, brown headed, chick was on my last nerve, lol. So tomorrow my friend Tammy from back home is coming with her kids for the weekend. Woohoo!! We are going to get our drink on and bbq. Funny what you think is a good time when you have 6 kids between two people. So I am excited about it. I am going to clean house tomorrow and do some grocery shopping. Oh the cable guy came out today and said I had some bad connections. So allegedly my internet and phone are fixed. We shall see! So I forgot to post the pics of my hair so I will get on that later. Ok over and out!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tomorrow is the big day.
Yep I am going back to my roots. I am going back blonde. I will post some before and after pics. I am sorta scared. I have been dark for awhile now. Today me and Tay went and got pedis, went shopping, and had lunch. It's nice to spend time with her now that she is not acting like a demon spawn. I am so glad her pre- pms issue is better. God help us all when she gets a little older. So we had a nice day today. It's hard to believe that my baby is going to be 10. Or that Ryan is turning 4. Times moves very fast sometimes. Other breaking news is my toes looks nice, my house is a mess, and I am hungry. I didn't really like my lunch so I didn't eat it. My pug is behind me snoring. Just in case anyway wondered what I listen to while I blog. Its pug snores, yelling children, and my washing machine is going. Swear to God! I wasn't joking when I named my blog. Oh Ryan's new sandbox already bit the dust. Imagine that. I told Mark that a $30 sand box would not last. Sigh! If they would only listen to us. Well I am going to go hunt down a snack and make a grocery list. We need things. Shit tomorrow is Kyle's camping trip and I didn't get him a sleeping bag. Shit, Shit, Shit!! I am off the the store. C-ya guys later!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
My first day.
Well my first day on my own was a little overwhelming. I got really scared because Taylor laid in bed sick all day and was running a fever. She never gets sick. It scared the crap out of me. She is going to the dr in about a hour. Other than that things went ok. No major disasters or anything broken. I kept waiting for my car to die or a window to break. I know I can take care of stuff by myself, I have done it before. I guess you just get used to not having to. So I shall be ok. My dogs are currently on my bed playing. I wish I knew how to explain to wondermutt that he is bigger than the pug, and therefore does not fit on everything the pug does. Hmm remember how bad I wanted a big dog. HeHe This weekend my friend Tammy is coming up to visit. I am super excited. Our kids get along really well, and me and her got some drinking to take care of. Then next weekend is Ryan's bday party and my mother in law is coming. I haven't seen her since before we moved here. It will be nice to have company. Well I am going to pretend like I care what this house looks like and straighted up some before I take Tay to the dr. The only nice thing about Mark being gone is I can let the house go to hell if I want and no one will say a thing. I can also not cook for a week as long as I have soup and ramin noodles. My kids would rather eat that anyway. See there is a bright side to all of this. Later Tators!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
This is what life is about.
Today Taylor was off playing with her friends, yes she has made a bunch of them. Kyle was off with his friends. And Mark, Ryan and I were washing the cars. It was gorgeous today. So here comes the ice cream truck. Me and Ryan got a popsicle and sat outside and ate them. That was so what life is about. My kids are happy. I was getting one on one time with one of them. And we were eating ice cream in the sunshine. Life does not get any better than that. Tomorrow Mark leaves for Shreveport for about 45 days. It's going to be hard not having him home. I think the longest we have ever been apart was about 30 days. I am going to miss him. I am going to miss having him to sleep with. And I didn't mean that sexual either. It's going to be me, the cat, and the snoring pug in my bed. Kyle gets pissed when I take the pug at night, lol. I would let the wondermutt sleep with me but I am scared he will get up at night and pee or chew up my room. He is housebroken finally, but he sleeps in a crate at night. I fear that freedom might push him over the edge and make him pee, lol. So I am going to make myself some goals while Mark is gone. Give me something to work for and think about. Keep me from getting bored. My first goal is to work out more. Get back into my habit. Second is to make some new friends and make a point of meeting new people. The playgroup thing really put a bad taste in my mouth about making friends, but at some point I have to move on and find some more friends here. Third take care of my spring cleaning. This will be done next week. Fourth stay in my budget and not shop. Fifth take care of me. I need to get back into the groove of getting pedis and my hair did. You know how long it's been since I got my hair did? Yeah that long. C-ya guys later.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Aye Aye Captain
So here is my weekend update. On Sunday we went to the boat show. Oh yes I am in love, with a boat. I am so going to live in a trailer and have a $200,000 boat. I love boats. So Mark had his last day with BOC. I now live in a BOC free zone. It's a nice place to be. I went and looked at a brand new Sequoia and the only difference was the steering wheel. I am so glad I didn't shell out for a brand new one. Ha I saved alot of money. So Mark leaves Saturday for Shreveport. He will be gone a little over a month, possibly longer. I am going to miss him. I am happy for him though. I got Ryan's party all booked. I am so excited for him. It sucks that Mark won't be there but I am glad that Ryan will have a good time. Does aye aye captain make anyone else think of spongebob? Maybe it's just me, lol. Well I am going to make this short. C-ya guys!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
My Day
Today has been the day from hell. I was ready to get drunk before 9 am. I am fighting with my ex over custody, aka money, Mark is driving me nuts, I found out a friend from back home died, the stress of life in general is just killing me. When does it ever get any easier? Don't tell me if it doesn't I really don't want to know. I will spare the sordid details of my battle with my ex, but I will say this, how did I ever marry a man with no soul? It has been a very shitty day. I just want to go take a long bath and bring liquor with me. Hmm guess it's about time I started buying some huh? Yep its been that shitty. So on the bright side my friend Tammy is coming in a few weeks and we are going to get our drink on and hang out and have a blast. I can't wait, I need some chill time so bad. Oh yeah and I don't fit in my clothes thanks to my 5 pound weight gain. It's alot of weight when you are only 5 feet tall. So that will be addressed shortly. Well I am off to make my grocery list and try to relax while 4 kids are running around my house like caged animals that have just been freed.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Feeding the Beast
Ok let me start by saying how much I love my new car. Also let me say I realized it would use a lot of gas. But in my defense all my knowledge did not prepare me for taking that bad boy to the gas station the first time it was on empty. OMG!! Fifty dollars later I was full and ready to go. And it takes forever to pump that much gas by the way. If you ever need to find me I will be at the gas station by my house. So I am starting to feel a little better after my little medicine fiasco. Hopefully by next week I can get back on schedule and get back to the gym. I haven't been and its starting to show. That and that amount of sweet tea I have been chugging down. Def time to get my ass back in gear before it gets to big to fit in my beast. If I get to fat it will kill my gas mileage even more and then I won't be able to afford my new car. Te he the things I think are funny. Well anyway me and my sick twisted since of humor are going to go try and find something to eat. Adios !
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
He has a WHAT?
This was me this afternoon as I went to pick up Ryan at preschool and his teacher introduced me to another parent and said this is Ryan's girlfriends mom. Excuse me? Let me get my jaw off the floor! He is 3 years old. She said they walk around holding hands all day. And he told me this afternoon when I was asking him about her, he said I don't Muah her Mommy. Ryan speak for I don't kiss her. I was just flabbergasted. I just didn't expect a 3 year old to have a girlfriend, heck I didn't even think he knew what a girlfriend was. *sniff* This is my baby, my last baby. Why are they growing up so dang fast?
Monday, March 5, 2007
I'm not Martha
I don't want to give away any trader secrets and go to jail, but if you have stock in Little Debbie you might want to drop them. We are going Little Debbie free. That's right we are going to try and eat a little healthier. Meaning I am trying to not have the kids eat so many artificial things. So I am going to bake them cookies and brownies, cupcakes, and things like that for snacks. Its only a small step but I think its important to at least try. And homemade stuff always tastes so much better. Also really what else do I have to do? I mean this is my job so I need to do it to the best of my ability. So I am collecting my recipes and making a list and next week commences my new baking phase. We'll see how long it lasts. I am known to go off on these things and lose interest very fast. But I hope I don't since this is something I am doing for the kids. Well I better make this short. Its teacher appreciation week and I have to go shop for teacher gifts, clean the house and take Taylor's class to lunch so her teacher can have a lunch to herself. Woohoo! I can't wait. On Wednesday I take Kyle's class. What's shitty is I am the only mom for both classes who stepped up and said I would. What the heck are these people doing all day? I know there are other stay at home moms in their classes. I bet the kids didn't give them the notes. I know my kids are rather bad about that sometimes. Well I am off to the salt mines for the day. Wish me luck I am going to be responsible for twenty something kids!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Meet Aha Aha
I thought I would introduce you guys to someone that I spend a lot of time with. His name is Aha Aha and he is Ryan's imaginary monkey. Aha goes everywhere with us. He also makes big messes and refuses to clean them up. He talks to Ryan when he is supposed to be in bed sleeping and keeps him up. He rides in the truck of my car on long trips and eats bananas in the trunk and makes a mess. He likes MC Donald's and pizza. Ryan says and I quote" Shut up old mama" and says he is talking to Aha Aha. Yeah right. I guess Aha is a mother too. Anyway I just figured I would share with you guys someone that I spend a great deal of time with.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Changes for real!
LOL! We didn't get the expedition. It had a transmission issue that Mark caught. I love my husband, he is so great at stuff like this. So we ended up buying a Toyota Sequoia. I love it. It freaking rocks. I think I will be much happier with this anyway. I figured I would do a quick post and update. My cousin is home from the hospital. She seems to be ok. Scary how fast you can wreck a car. I mean every day you get in the car and don't think twice that you might get in a bad wreck. Of course I doubt horse pulled buggy's were much safer. I mean you might not have head on collisions, but when the horses got spooked and ran you were just SOL. So anyway today I am going to run errands and get some stuff done around the house, hopefully. That is the goal at least. I worked on Kyle's science project till almost 8:30 last night. Did I ever mention how much I hate science projects? They make me want to pull my hair out. Well I need to go wake the kids up and get dressed. I am so excited to start my day can't you tell? Bleh!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Cha Cha Changes
Things are kind of nuts right now. Mark put in his notice to boc and is going to give it a shot on his own. I am buying a new car today. I have to go finalize it all tonight. I hope I picked the right one. I just have to go with my instincts. Mark is going to keep my car for awhile and see if he likes working out of it, if not we will trade it in and buy him a truck. We are talking about moving back home also. Now that he quit Boc we don't have to live in Mobile anymore. We are thinking about buying property and when the time is right to move back home either building a house or buying a trailer. He doesn't want to live in town anymore so I have no choice but to go back to bufu. Atleast this time I am going to bufu near two of my friends. And I am sure my other friends will come see me since I wont be a hour just like 30 mins, and hell its better than 3 hours right? LOL So anyway thats my latest news. Life has been crazy lately. I can't get over how much things change. It's amazing the difference a year makes. Tomorrow Buddy goes in to get his final set of shots and to get neutered. I hope he doesn't hate me. He stays over night and I pick him up the next day. Maybe it will calm his butt down. He was acting so nuts yesterday I thought he got into someones crack, lol. He is getting way to big to be running around like a crazy dog. I thought I would do something I haven't done in awhile, list what I did today. I took the kids to school, went to walmart, went car shopping, drove said car around to make sure its what I want. Went and picked up Ryan, came home, posted this started laundry. I am going to boil water for a science project here in a minute. At 3:00 I have to check out Tay and Kyle and me and the boys are going to the dr. Me for refills and the boys for shots. Then back home for homework and cooking dinner. We are meeting the guy back at the car place at 7 to finalize the deal and then come home put the kids in the tub and to bed. I am tired just writing all that. Well I better go. I have about 10 loads of laundry that isn't putting it's self up.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Big changes!
Well it's Sunday and Mantha went home already. We had a great time. It was so great to see her and spend time with her. I am so blessed to have such great friends in my life. So today is a big day for our family. Mark is quitting his job and going into business for himself. Yes I know already, what the hell! We did this once but he kept his regular job and now we have no more security blanket. Its going to a experience for us, that's for sure. And we are talking about if this works out maybe moving back home in a couple of years so I wont be alone all the time, while he is gone working. I am excited to for him, and scared, and all kinds of emotions right now. I have so much faith in him and I know he can do this. And what's the worst thing that can happen? I can't lose my kids or dogs because of a failed business. I don't care about this house, or my vehicle. I have been poor and can do it again and be just fine, as long as I have him and the kids. There is nothing at risk of being lost that I really give two shits about. I really don't think its going to be that extreme I know he can do this, and I am supporting him 200%! I was just stating the worst thing that could happen. I just really don't care about material things like I used to. I care about my husband, my kids, my dogs, and my friends. Houses and cars and crap like that is so replacable. Anyway I dont know for sure if I will go back home but it's looking that way. Why stay in Mobile with him gone all the time? I dont have anything holding me here. I can go back home to my friends and family and maybe I wont hate it so much this time around. My mom always did the same thing to, couldn't wait to move away and then couldn't wait to move back home, lol. I guess the older I get the more I get like her. Well here is my big announcement. Wish us good luck!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Real Friends
I haven't been able to post since I got home. Our internet was out and to be honest I didn't give enough shit to call about it. I was happy to have no phone and no net for a few days. I know that everything in life is a learning experience but I have to say the past year or so has been a really hard lesson. I have lost alot of friend in the past year or so. I quit being a doormat and I learn who your real friends are. Let me tell you I have two real friends that I know no matter what care about me and are there for me. One has already been here to see me twice, and the other on is on her way now. I had a really bad week finally accepting that I lost my friends here in Mobile and that I would not be able to continue in the playgroup. It's going to be so nice having someone here this weekend to hang with and talk to. I am super excited that she is going to be here. I guess that I am going to have to suck it up and try and make some friends here. I just have a bad taste in my mouth right now about friends here in Mobile. I gave it a shot and it didn't work out and now I feel like I am just done with it all. I just want a drama free life. Its rare to find people these days that don't thrive off of drama and gossip. I like to read gossip about celebs and maybe hear a little about what's going on back home gossip. But mean, vindictive, making shit up and changing it around is just not my cup of tea. So along with my other changes I am making in my life I also have a new drama free goal. I just refuse to have it around me. I grew up in it and lived with it for so long, and it sucks. I am trying to learn what makes me happy and what I want out of life. I have quit caring about a lot of things that I used to care so much about. What I drive, where I live, watching tv, shopping for shoes! Things that used to mean the world to me just don't matter. Maybe I am growing up, I think maturing is a big part of it. But I also think that Florida kept me stagnant. I just stayed the same and didn't really ever change. This blog is becoming rather random. I just wanted to post how excited I was to have Mantha here and how I am still making changes for the better. But I guess thats the point of a blog to ramble on and put your thoughts out there. So anyways that's my thoughts for the day. I will blog more often now that I am off of my anti communication with the world mood.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
First Blog
Well I set this new blog up. I am sick of myspace blogs. I just wanted something new. I hope you guys enjoy my new blog. I am at my parents right now so I will write a longer post later when I get back home. I am off to the Daytona Races tomorrow. I am excited to go. Its so much fun to spend time with my Dad. Today was a great day. I spent the day with my cousin Josh today. We went down to St. Augstine and walked around and had a blast. It was nice to get away and just chill with him. We walked around lost as hell most of the day, lol. We did hit some great outlet stores and I got a couple of great deals. Well I am going to go start getting ready for bed. I have a big day tomorrow.
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